24/7 Tech Support 541-847-5600 | 541-847-5135 | info@monroetel.com | 575 Commercial Street, Monroe, Oregon

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Business Office Hours

Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm and
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Welcome to Monroe Telephone Company’s Online Home

Thanks for visiting Monroe Telephone Company’s Online Home. Monroe Telephone Company is a family-owned and operated independent telephone company since 1956. We provide internet and telephone service to Monroe, Oregon and the surrounding communities. We feature reliable service with friendly, local customer support. Monroe Telephone Company is committed to assisting our customers in obtaining equipment needed to make our services fully available and useful to any person with disabilities.

Please contact Monroe Telephone Company at 541-847-5135 if we can be any help to you.

Fast Internet!

Reliable Phone Service